select obj.name as 'テーブル名' ,col.name as '名称' ,(select top 1 name from systypes where systypes.xtype = col.xtype) as '型' ,col.length as '桁数' ,case isnull(col.scale,0) when 0 then ' ' else cast( col.scale as char(10) ) end '小数部' ,case col.isnullable when 0 then '○' else ' ' end 'nn' ,isnull((select case colid when 0 then '' else '○' end from sysindexkeys as keys where col.id = keys.id and col.colid = keys.colid and keys.indid = 1),' ') as 'pk' ,isnull((select top 1 ex.value from sys.extended_properties as ex where col.id = ex.major_id and ex.minor_id = col.colid and ex.name = 'ms_description' ),' ') as 'コメント' from syscolumns as col inner join sysobjects as obj on col.id = obj.id where obj.name in (select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'u')